
How to brand a city

We live in an age when the identity of our cities is more important than ever—there is an increasing urgency for cities to examine how they are perceived.
How to brand a city

With urban populations set to double by 2050 and the number of megacities rising, cities need to define their identity like never before. But as Alex Lampe, Co-Founder of Wiedemann Lampe, points out, crafting a city’s brand goes far beyond logos and taglines—it’s about capturing the essence of a place and bringing its story to life.

Too often, city branding is mistaken for a quick marketing fix—a catchy slogan and a pretty logo. But cities are far more complex than that. You can’t boil a place down to a single line. Real city branding taps into the lifeblood of the urban environment—its people, culture, and vibe. The magic happens when a city earns its identity over time, just like Paris became "The City of Light" through centuries of history and progress, or how New York built its raw, restless energy. A city’s brand grows organically from within.

Singapore has positioned itself as the Garden City

Singapore has positioned itself as the Garden City

A strong city brand tunes into a place’s needs and ideas and designs a way forward that informs decision-making.
— Alex Lampe, Director & Co-Founder, Wiedemann Lampe

At its core, city branding isn’t just about marketing a place. It’s about tapping into the spirit of the city, uniting its people around a shared vision, and creating something that endures. After all, branding doesn’t make a city—its people do.

Read the full article here.